Friday, October 24, 2008

SAW the Blog SAW V Official Reviews

Let me make this short and sweet. SAW V is different, but welcomed. The movie, to put it in the wish words of a fellow moviegoer, is "off the chain". Now let me just say the movie will piss off a lot of movie goers, however as you think back and look at it you start to like it more. Here is the deal: SAW V sets up for SAW VI and is for all intents and purposes a sweet movie, but definite buildup. If you walk away dissapointed remember all the traps, and just plain things that happened. Also realize that there is still a lot to be answered in the NEXT film. It was brutal. It was cool.

David Hackl could have asked more from his actors. I figure the production started and ended earlier for the FX. Thing is some of the acting was really poor. Not enough at important parts to throw you off.

I was also surprised at how fast the movie went by. The ending came too soon. The pacing was a little off. Wise tip: Never have an actor just TELL the audience the twist. Do it in SAW fashion. Reveal it with epic flashbacks. I know it could be lame but that Clouser score just makes the twist feel BETTER.

Don't let the twists dissapoint you. The movie should be appreciated for what it is:

Gruesome Exposition.
A Macabre Second Act. (SAW IV being 1, SAW V being 2, SAW IV being 3)


Also, I found this review by MuffinMcFluffin that is downright true.


Anonymous said...

Hey there. My girlgriend is a huge SAW fan and we stumbled upon your blog as we were searching for cool SAW blogs. Anyways, just swinging by. You have a good blog going.

Well, I also do webcomics and recently did one on "SAW". Stop by if you have the time.

once again, great blogging.

luigimanudo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Ta pijiado????????!!!!!!!!!!
Are u crazy¿?

What kind of shit is this?

Rhys Dowd said...

Hey I absolutely agree with you on the Saw Review

Here's another review if you or anyone else wants to check it out